Sunday, July 22, 2007

6 weird things..

APP tagged me..rasenye dah penah kene tag oleh kerana blog ni blog aku punye aku punye sukelah nak jwb brp kali tag pon..muahahaha

"People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state these rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names at the bottom of your post. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog"

no. 1 ~ weird or not..aku lebih suke lelaki chubby or montel drpd yg kurus/slim atau yg sixpack/ketul2...dan aku hrp papa akan jadi chubby skit drpd skrg..hehehe

no. 2 ~ weird or not...aku lebih rela memasak walaupun tgh penat2 drpd sapu sampah & kemas umah...bab sapu sampah or sedut2 habuk nih papa lg terer..hehehe

no. 3 ~ weird or not ...aku tak suka hias rumah dgn bunga-bunga walaupun aku suka gak lah bunga-bunga..bunga yg ada kat umah skrg ni pun sbb papa yg beria-ria sgt nak beli. hrp kan aku...hehe x mrasa

no. 4 ~ weird or not...drpd masa belajar dulu sampai skrg aku masih potong rambut sendiri...psl fesyen jgn pk lahh..mmg x dok fesyen pon..hehehe

no. 5 ~ weird or not...walaupun aku seorang wanita, aku tak suke sgt dgn barang-barang kemas...ntahler nak kate rimas yer gak tp reason sebenornye sebab aku suke letak barang merate lps tu x ingat doh...aku penoh ilang cincin & gelang sbb lupa..huhuhu

no. 6 ~ weird or not...aku rase diri aku ni x ler pelik sgt..ade lagi org lain yg lebih pelik kut..hehehe

~i ni pelik keee~


JULIE said...

betul tew Gina, kalau kita rasa kita pelik, ada yg lagi pelik (dan Xrated pulak tu). hehehe!

gina marna said...

APP ~ sgt setuju...hehe ade lg org yg pelik tp benar selain kite..kan..kan..